I have now been in Mwanza, Tanzania for
one month, but it certainly seems like I have been here much longer! In a good way! Things move at so much more slowly a pace
here so one day seems like two! Here are
a few of the things that I have accomplished thus far:
Visiting Living Waters School; Jeanne, Jan and Me |
1. Welcomed our
friends from Canada when they came to visit our kids June 14-24. Translated, answered
questions and hiked the mountains visiting our kids and their caregivers (like
I did last December). Watch for a link to their newsletter coming soon on my
“Transform Tanzania” Facebook page or here!!
2. Got well-acquainted with traveling
in local ‘mini-van’ buses with seats for 12 (but that’s only a suggestion—you
can really fit at least 25!). Always began with a 10-minute walk in the dust to the bus
stop, then off of one bus and onto the next one—for an almost two hour ride to
church or anywhere else! Adventure is just not a strong enough word!! Feet are always so pretty when I get home!
Dusty roads=dirty feet! |
I prefer to ride in the "Jesus" bus! |
3. Bought a phone that
broke after 3 days-took another 18 to get it fixed. Including such actions as pestering the
seller and repairman daily; receiving 4 different reasons it was broken;
getting blamed for breaking it; sitting for hours in the shop waiting to get it
back; threats to never buy anything there again from those who recommended the
place...but finally I have it and it works!! YAY!
Samsung....still working! |
4. Got a TZ “Driving Licence” (took 2
days and over 8 hours--literally 14 trips around the block, up and down stairs,
between 5 places carrying my little papers; “formalities” they said)! Louisiana
DMV—way too easy!
I'm legal!! At least to drive!! |
5. Moved from the
little ‘guesthouse’ made from a shipping container into my house for the next
10 months. YAY! And took a week to start
stocking it by traveling all over town, looking for food and household
supplies—always an adventure, I mean who doesn’t love shopping and haggling
over the price of EVERY SINGLE THING? Market shopping in Africa!!
View from my living room |
Neighbors taking baths, washing clothes |
Entering the Market--do YOU see a parking place? |
Rehema and Me |
6. Turned in the
paperwork to the TZ Immigration Office for my Residence Permit…still waiting
for a letter stating that it has been accepted and that I have permission to
work until it comes. They said I will get it this week, so I hope so!! There is a $600 fine
without it, so I think I will wait!! Going to church and getting to know our
kids, though and got to teach Sunday School last week! Not visiting the homes quite
yet—please pray I get that permission letter very soon!! This is one of our new
kids, Rehema; it means “Mercy”—isn’t she sweet!?!
7. Got my rental
Toyota Rav 4 and re-learned to drive on the other side of the car and the other
side of the road (British style)! Keep the wheel in the center of the road, watch
for crazy drivers and people all over the road and nobody gets hurt—pray, pray,
Toyota Rav 4--with steering wheel on the right! |
Jackie, Respiquce and Paschal having Mexican! |
8. And certainly spent
much time feeding, having fun with and getting fully reacquainted with my kids Jackie,
Veronica, Respiquce and Paschal. Veronica is in Engineering College an hour
away, so we only get to see her on weekends.
Respiquce left today to return to Teacher’s College. Jackie is praying about which courses to take
in the local Nursing College in September: pharmacy, doctor’s assistant or
midwifery. Paschal is waiting to see what university he will get accepted to
for Law School (College and university are not the same thing here; colleges
are vocational/technical and only universities award degrees).
Me, Veronica and Jackie |
So, that’s
some of what I’ve been doing! What an encouragement to me to be able to see the
FRUIT of my first 6 years in Tanzania through these incredible young people!
What an overwhelming blessing! Especially Jackie; she was devastated when she failed
her exams and now can’t go to Medical School this Fall. She is so smart--it must be God’s plan that
she do Nursing College instead--but she is taking it hard so I am doing my best
to encourage and disciple her through it.
How blessed I am to be available for her right now when she needs me the
most! God’s timing is always perfect and
He really does work ALL things together for GOOD!!!!
Know that
the kids and I are praying for you, too!
We are so grateful to those of you who are continuing to support my
ministry financially! I simply would not be here without you! If you are not a financial supporter but believe
God is leading you to become one, please let me know! I will send you the
information that you and FirstWest (First Baptist Church, West Monroe) need to ensure that your contribution is tax
deductible (electronic funds transfer/automatic withdrawal is also available).
you!! God bless you and your families!! And
come see what God is doing in Mwanza to Transform Tanzania!! Much love, Kay
& The Kids
Like my “Transform Tanzania” Page on Facebook! Past newsletters are there under "Milestones"!!
Follow me on Instagram: kayintz
Twitter: @kayintz
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